Every year our town Celebrates itself with Old Home Day (in the singular even though it spans five days, but I digress...). This year they brought back the Town Fair, where residents submit cakes, cookies, crafts and artwork for judging. Of course I decided to register...
I decided on making a white chocolate buttermilk cake with raspberry jam and buttercream frosting. I had originally planned on making a three tier orange colored cake with a white henna tattoo-inspired design. Let's just say that didn't work out...
I had unwisely decided against covering in fondant and found I had to put on a border to hide the cake boards. I didn't love this and since I'd been up already until nearly 5am working on sone other cakes, I'd decided to get some sleep and see if I could salvage it after a couple hours' sleep.
I had to make a cake delivery when I woke up and on the way home thought about how to rescue my cake. The cakes had to be in by 10am and I didn't get home til 9:45am. In five minutes I pulled off the top two tiers, scraped off all the orange border I'd had on originally and piped a new border and scrollwork in white. I was out the door and had it delivered by 9:59 to the judging area. Phew!

Oh, and it took third!
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